CATCH UP NOW Free online musical until March 31, 2021 on YouTube KCCLA.
Special Online Performance of the March 1st Independence Movement Promoted by K-Value Creators -Date: 3.1 - 3.31 2021 -Watch on: YouTube KCCLA -For more Info: hannah@kccla.org or 323-936-3015
The Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles (Wijin Park, Director) and K-Value Creators (Giuseppe Kim, Director) present a special online musical 'PECHKA' on YouTube KCCLA. "Musical PECHKA" is the story of Choi Jae-hyung, a poor entrepreneur who realized his dream of becoming a diaspora 100 years ago, and is based on a true story. Choi Jae-hyung is an extraordinary man who was righteous deed to the establishment of a provisional government and intelligent educator and a community leader, driven by his compassion for freedom, equality and liberty, who dares to take a stand and change the history of Korea. Musical PECHKA revolves around the financial support provided by Choi Jae-hyung to Ahn Jung-geun for the establishment of a provisional government. The online screening period will end on March 31st. (Period: 2021.3.1-3.31) Please enjoy Musical PECHKA which is our special online performance of March 1st Independence Movement. All the KCCLA's performance will be introduced on the website of the Korean Cultural Center in Los Angeles (www.kccla.org), YouTube Channel, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please press the 'like' button and 'subscribe' to KCCLA!!!
Last Update : 03-11-2021
[ⓒ LA코리아(www.lakorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
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