표현이 12번 반복되는 파일입니다
내용설명 오디오 강의 파일입니다
1. My watch doesn't work,
I wonder what's wrong with it.
나의 시계가 가질 않아요. 무엇이 잘못됐을까요?
work : 작동되다. 간접적 어감 표현 I wonder
I wonder if it's rainy outside.
I wonder if you can help me.
2. My car doesn't start in winter,
나의 차가 겨울에 시동이 걸리지 않습니다.
무엇이 잘못됐을까요?
I can't start my car.
3. Don't beat around the bush,
give it to me straight.
빙빙 돌리지 말고 바로 이야기해라.
Talk straight.
Go to the point. / What is your point?
4. It's very nice, but frankly speaking,
I can't afford it.
매우 좋지만, 솔직히 말하자면 그것을 살 형편이 안돼요.
Strictly speaking / Generally speaking / Roughly speaking
I can't afford to buy it.
5. I'm sorry to break in,
but there's an important phone call for you.
끼어들어서 죄송하지만, 당신에게 중요한 전화가 왔어요.
break in = interrupt / I'm breaking in my car.
6. He always talks back to me,
that's why I don't like him.
그는 항상 나에게 말대꾸를 해요, 그것 때문에 그가 싫어요.
Don't talk back to me.
I'm gaining weight, that's why I'm working out.
7. I don't have any excuses for my behavior.
I apologize for it.
나의 행동에 대해 드릴 말씀이 없습니다. 사과드려요.
That's not a good excuse. Don't make an excuse.
I owe you an apology. 사과드릴 것이 있어요.
8. As far as I'm concerned,
Monday would be more convenient.
제 입장에서는 월요일이 더 편합니다.
As for me, Spaghetti would be fine.
As far as money is concerned, 돈에 관해서라면
9. As for me, I don't care where we go today,
It's up to you.
저로서는 오늘 어디를 가든 상관없습니다. 당신이 선택하세요.
As for history, John is the best in the class.
10. You've been talking for an hour,
but I still don't know what you're trying to say.
한 시간 내내 말씀을 하고 계시지만,
무슨 말씀을 하시려는지 아직 잘 모르겠습니다.
What are you trying to say?
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김남호(Mark Kim) 원장
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