표현이 12번 반복되는 파일입니다
1. Where did you get that haircut?
I got it done at the beauty parlor I used to go to.
어디서 머리를 하셨나요? 항상 가던 미용실에서 했습니다.
I got my hair done(permed, cut, colored)
I used to go to the bar. There used to be a pond here.
2. I like your hair-do, where did you get it done?
당신의 머리가 마음에 들어요. 어디서 하셨나요?
hair-do > hair style.
3. Shall I put some hair gel on your hair?
당신의 머리에 헤어젤을 발라 드릴까요?
Apply this ointment on(to) the scar.
4. I want to have my hair parted on the right.
머리의 가르마를 오른쪽으로 타 주세요.
in the middle
I don't part my hair.
I brush up my hair.
5. Are you in line?
Yes, we've been standing in line for an hour.
줄서 있는 겁니까? 네, 한 시간 동안 줄서 있습니다.
Is this the line : 콩글리시
Don't cut in the line.
Stand in the queue.(영국식, 호주식)
6. Don't cut in. Go to the back of the line.
Could you save my place?
새치기 하지 마세요. 제일 뒤로 가십시오. 제자리 좀 봐 줄래요?
Could you keep an eye on my place?
7. Shall I shoot it for you?
Yes, please. Everything's set. Just release the shutter.
사진 찍어 드릴까요? 네 모든 것이 다 맞추어져 있습니다.
그냥 셔터만 누르세요.
take a picture of : -의 사진을 찍다.
I've set everything.
8. I was pulled over by a police officer on the way here,
and I got a ticket for speeding.
여기 오는 길에 경찰에게 걸려서 과속으로 딱지 떼였다.
pull over : 차를 세우다
parking violation / car crash / J-walking / drunk-driving
9. I had a little fender-bender,
and my car's got a dent.
가벼운 접촉사고가 생겨서 내 차가 찌그러졌어요.
a little crash : 가벼운 충돌
My phone is dented after fall down.
10. Why isn't traffic moving?
We're caught in an awful traffic jam.
왜 차가 안 움직이죠? 끔찍한 정체 때문입니다.
I was late because of the traffic.
I was caught in traffic congestion.
I was caught in a shower.
김남호(Mark Kim) 원장
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