Hello, We'd like to introduce you to ICS International School.
The objective of ICS International School is to educate our precious children, under the arms of our lord Jesus Christ, as global talent who know both Korea and the wider world.
Characteristics of ICS International School Education
1. Standard American high school curriculum educated in Korea.
2. American teachers with secondary teaching certification or related degrees.
3. Admission to any English-speaking universities including the United States.
4. Various benefits (High admission scores and subject scores)
5. Small class sizes with customized education
6. From admission to graduation, professional academic and career counseling
7. The best educational environment with both the Intellect and spirituality
-we invite the following students to ICS
-Who has returned to Korea after attending school abroad
-Who wants to receive American high school education and set out to the wider world
-Who wants to attend prestigious universities abroad including the United States
-Who wants to receive education abroad (transfer possible)
Contact Information
Phone Number: +82-2-557-2287
E-mail: planner@ics.or.kr
Homepage: http://www.ics.or.kr
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[ⓒ LA코리아(www.lakorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
Contact Us : 고객센터문의, Tel: 대표 201-674-5611
E-mail: lakorea77@gmail.com, 빠른카톡상담ID : newyorkkorea
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