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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
Cornerstone Wireless, LLC. 와 함께할 운송 신입 및 경력직 을 모십니다.
작성자: ericko 작성자정보 조회: 378 등록일: 2025-03-25
회사명*  Cornerstone Wireless, LLC.
사업내용*  운송업
근무지역*  Los Angeles
회사주소*  19431 S. Santa Fe Ave., Compton, CA 90221 지도보기
전화번호  ---
홈페이지 http://
직종분류* 사무직 > 물류/포워딩
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $55000~$65000/시 :  
근무시간 및 요일  AM 1 00 부터AM 1 00 까지   
채용담당자명  Eric Ko
지원방법  https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/csw/jobs/4426533006

ompany Overview
Cornerstone Wireless, LLC. offers specialized trucking and warehousing services, including efficient drayage, long-haul deliveries, secure storage solutions, and expert handling of Out of Gauge cargo. We operate a fleet of over 300 owner-operator units and partner with over 1,000 carriers to ensure comprehensive and secure logistics services.

We are strategically located to align with our customers’ needs, promoting a supportive, family-like work environment that values teamwork and continuous improvement.

Join us and grow with a company that puts people first.
Learn more at https://www.cnrsusa.com/

Logistics Operations Specialist

Location: 19431 S. Santa Fe Ave., Compton, CA 90221
Apply at: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/csw/jobs/4426533006

– Plan, schedule, and oversee the delivery and unloading of equipment, machinery, and over-sized over-weight (OOG) cargo at client sites.
– Ensure all logistics activities comply with safety regulations and company policies.
– Communicate effectively with clients to understand their requirements and address any concerns or issues promptly.
– Work closely with drivers, warehouse staff, and other logistics personnel to ensure timely and accurate deliveries.
– Coordinate with external vendors and suppliers as needed.
– Maintain accurate records of deliveries, inventory, and logistics activities.
– Prepare and submit regular reports on logistics performance and any incidents that occur on-site.
– Ensure that all logistics operations adhere to safety standards and regulatory requirements.

Preferred Qualifications
– Interpersonal skills and ability to communicate professionally
– Must have experience working with Excel
– Must be detailed oriented and organized with the ability to prioritize
– Must be a team player and also be able to work independently
– Strong verbal and written skills along with good interpersonal and organizational skills Ability to focus and work in a high paced multi-tasking environment
– May have travel to job site and port/CFS facilities

The base salary range for this role is between $55,000 – $65,000 yearly, and your base salary will depend on your experiences, qualifications, and skills.

Apply through the respective links provided above or send your resume directly to Eric Ko at eric.ko@fnsusa.com.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Cornerstone Wireless, LLC. family!

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닉네임 FNS HR (ericko)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
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닉네임 FNS HR (ericko)
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글 제목 Cornerstone Wireless, LLC. 와 ...
글 작성자 FNS HR
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