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가입일 2008-07-23
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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
t'order America에서 세일즈 담당자를 모십니다
작성자: kylebr 작성자정보 조회: 340 등록일: 2025-03-07
사업내용*  세일즈
근무지역*  Los Angeles
회사주소*  8000 avalon blvd alpharetta, ga 30009 지도보기
전화번호  ---
홈페이지 http://torderusa.com
직종분류* 영업직 > 영업/매장관리
근무자격조건  고졸 이상
구인형태*  Full/Part
급여조건* $55000~$100000/년 :  
근무시간 및 요일  AM 1 00 부터AM 1 00 까지   차후협의
채용담당자명  Kelly Jang
지원방법  admin.ca@torder.com
등록마감 상시모집

테이블 오더 시스템 1위인 티오더(t'order) 입니다.

미국에서 현재 활발하게 사업을 확장하고 있으며 CA 지역에서 영업을 같이 하실 분을 찾고자 합니다.

Sales Account Executive
Salary range: $55,000/yr - $100,000/yr + commission
Benefits: 401(k), 401(k) matching, Dental insurance, Health insurance, Paid time off,
Vision insurance, Disability insurance, Life insurance

About us:
t’order America Inc. is a cutting-edge tablet ordering system designed to boost sales in
restaurants. We transform restaurants into a next-level dining experience. Over 17,000
restaurants worldwide use t’order to increase average ticket, accelerate table turns and
streamline operations. We simplify restaurant operations, empowering owners to focus
on growth and excellence. This not only benefits owners but also elevates the dining
experience for guests. Our mission is to create a thriving dining ecosystem where
innovation empowers owners to succeed and guests to enjoy exceptional experiences.

Job Summary
is looking for a Sales Account Executive who enjoys the selling process, demonstrates
the ability to close sales confidently, and exhibits excellent customer interaction abilities.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
 Maintain a working knowledge of our products and appropriately recommending
them to our valued customers.
 Train clients on t’order features to maximize their success.
 Communicate effectively in-person & over the phone to discover the customers
wants and needs.
 Knock on doors and introduce customers to our system/service.
 Selling and closing a customer based on their wants and needs.
 Handle customer concerns by listening to their grievance, addressing any arising
problems, and coming up with the appropriate resolutions.
 Educating potential customers on the benefits of t’order’s services with
personalized proposals based on their needs.
 Seeking out opportunities for self-development, participating in training, and
welcoming feedback.
 Build and maintain strong relationships and demonstrate excellent teamwork.
 Partner with regional team to ensure that the expectations set during the sales
process are executed during delivery of the product/service.
 Performing other duties and tasks as assigned.

 2+ years of successful commission sales experience or previous experience in a
retail or customer service is preferred
 Ability to operate in a fast-paced environment.
 Able to represent the company in a courteous and professional manner.
 Good organizational skills and ability to multi-task and prioritize
 Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
 Strong knowledge of POS systems, retail systems, and networking systems
 Strong ability to sell and upsell products required
 Proven collaboration and teamwork skills required
 Valid driver’s license and current auto insurance
 Reliable vehicle per transportation needs of the market

High school or equivalent; a degree in Business is a plus.

Subject to MVR and criminal background check in accordance with applicable fair
chance laws, rules, and regulations.

자세한 사항은 간단한 이력서 및 자기 소개서 admin.ca@torder.com 으로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.
트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북
번호 제목 작성자 조회 등록일
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2180 아르바이트 [캐셔]   Burbank 음식점 cashier 구합니다 joojupgirl 25650 2019-07-17
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30
닉네임 kylebr (kylebr)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 kylebr (kylebr)
게시물 신고하기
게시판 성격에 맞지 않거나 불건전한 게시물을 운영자에게 신고할 수 있습니다.
운영자 확인 후 해당글 삭제조치 및 해당 회원에게 불이익이 갈 수 있습니다.
허위신고시에 불이익을 받을 수 있으니 신중하게 신고해주세요.
글 제목 t'order America에서 세일즈 담...
글 작성자 kylebr
회사소개 | 개인정보취급방침 | 회원약관 | 고객지원센터 | 제휴 및 광고문의 | 광고안내   


Contact Us : 고객센터문의, Tel: 대표 201-674-5611

E-mail: lakorea77@gmail.com, 빠른카톡상담ID : newyorkkorea 

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