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가입일 2008-07-23
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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
FNS, Inc. 와 함께할 신입 및 경력직 을 모십니다. (00명)
작성자: FNS HR 작성자정보 조회: 254 등록일: 2024-12-14
회사명*  FNS, Inc.
사업내용*  운송업, 물류업
근무지역*  Los Angeles
회사주소*  1545 francisco st, Torrance, CA 90501 지도보기
전화번호  ---
홈페이지 http://
직종분류* 사무직 > 물류/포워딩
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $00~$00/시 :  
근무시간 및 요일  AM 1 00 부터AM 1 00 까지   

Company Overview

Since 1995, FNS has been committed to delivering top-tier logistics services through our core values of trust, communication, teamwork, challenge, and balance. We aim to build strong, lasting partnerships with our customers and foster a collaborative environment among our team.


At FNS, we promote a supportive, family-like work environment where work-life balance is a priority. We believe that by valuing each other and continuously improving, we can achieve great things together.


Join us and grow with a company that puts people first.

To discover more, please visit our website at www.fnsusa.com.

Multiple Full-Time Positions Available
Below are the available positions:

1. Ocean Import Specialist (해운 화물) – Carson, CA
- Experience Level: Entry to Intermediate (05 years)
- Salary Range: $50,000$65,000 annually
- Apply Here: https://www.fnsusa.com/job-openings-2/?gh_jid=4426069006

2. Express Air Freight Specialist (특송 항공 화물) – Carson, CA
- Experience Level: Entry to Intermediate (03 years)
- Salary Range: $50,000$60,000 annually
- Apply Here: https://www.fnsusa.com/job-openings-2/?gh_jid=4387366006

3.Warehouse Planning Supervisor (창고기획) – Carson, CA
- Experience Level: Intermediate (3+ years in warehousing required)
- Salary Range: $55,000$70,000 annually
- Apply Here: https://www.fnsusa.com/job-openings-2/?gh_jid=4402863006

4. Drayage Operations Specialist (운송) – Compton, CA
- Experience Level: Intermediate (2+ years required)
- Salary Range: $50,000$60,000 annually
- Apply Here: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/csw/jobs/4395183006

5. Logistics Dispatcher (운송) – Compton, CA

- Experience Level: Intermediate (2+ years required in port Drayage)
- Salary Range: $60,000$65,000 annually

- Apply Here: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/csw/jobs/4424055006


6. Customs Entry Writer (통관) – Carson, CA

- Experience Level: Entry to Senior (07 years)
- Salary Range: $50,000$90,000 annually
- Apply Here:  https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/chb/jobs/4300304006

7. Billing & Settlement Specialist (정산) – Carson, CA
- Experience Level: Entry to Intermediate (03 years)
- Salary Range: $50,000$60,000 annually
- Apply Here: https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/helistar/jobs/4397250006

8. Senior Tax Accountant (회계) – Torrance, CA

- Experience Level: Intermediate to Senior (5+ years in tax required)

- Salary Range: $80,000$100,000 annually

- Apply Here: https://www.fnsusa.com/job-openings-2/?gh_jid=4422556006


Benefits for Full-Time Employees
- Insurance: Health, Dental, and Vision PPO; Life, STD, LTD
- Retirement: 401(k) Plan
- Paid Holidays: 14 days
- Paid Time Off: Starting at 12 days per year
- Additional Leave: Bereavement, Wedding, Birth of a Child, etc.
- Recognition: Years of Service Awards
- Education Program: Based on eligibility
- Relocation Assistance: Based on eligibility

How to Apply:

Apply through the respective links provided above or send your resume directly to Eric Ko at eric.ko@fnsusa.com.
We look forward to welcoming you to the FNS family!

트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북
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51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60
닉네임 FNS HR (ericko)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 FNS HR (ericko)
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허위신고시에 불이익을 받을 수 있으니 신중하게 신고해주세요.
글 제목 FNS, Inc. 와 함께할 신입 및 경...
글 작성자 FNS HR
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Contact Us : 고객센터문의, Tel: 대표 201-674-5611

E-mail: lakorea77@gmail.com, 빠른카톡상담ID : newyorkkorea 

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