● 구인제목:보험사 내부 감사임원 채용(서울근무) |
회사 정보
● 회사명: |
●업무내용: |
●근무지역: |
●회사주소: |
●홈페이지: |
●전화번호: |
●이메일: |
●급여: |
●근무자격조건: |
●등록마감일자: |
● 채용 담당자 연락처:
● 제출 서류:
● 담당자 이메일 : |

기타 채용정보
보험사 내부감사 임원채용
ㅇㅇㅇ 손해보험에서 진행되는 내부감사 포지션 관련
내부감사팀(Internal Audit)에서 Internal Audit Manager을 담당하실 상무~전무급을 1명 채용합니다.
근무지 : 한국 서울
지원자격: 회계학 전공(필수) 보험사 경력 (필수)
면접진행 사항 - Direct Reporting이 Asia regional director로 홍콩에 계신 분이기 때문에 꼼꼼하시면서 flexible하신 분으로 영어 communication은 필수 입니다.
Job Position: Internal Audit Manager
-Report to: Regional head of Internal Audit in Hong Kong -직급: 상무~전무급 (정규직) -Salary Budget: 110M ~ 130M (경력에 따라 협의가능하며, 업무평가에 따라 Target Incentive 2100만원이 별도로 있음)
Job Description: 1. Lead/ execute operational and financial audit assignments and participate in special projects/investigations as needed, for the region. 2. Review audit work papers, draft audit issues and report. Provide practical and value adding recommendations. Present audit issues to clients/audit management. 3. Continually assess risks and internal controls of the business. Influence management in seeking an appropriate solution to control issue. 4. Direct the establishment of annual audit plan and programs. Monitor the audit plan completion on an ongoing basis. 5. Coordinate and co-operate with other control functions such as Fraud Investigation team, SOX, Risk Management, Compliance, and external auditors to leverage review work so as to minimize interruption to business units. 6. Lead a small team of auditors/senior auditors. Provide honest and constructive feedback and coaching to the team members. Hold the entire team accountable for meeting deliverables while adhering to Quality Assurance criteria. 7. Monitor and risk assess key business projects. Perform ad hoc projects/ audits to support corporate/ business initiatives.
Job Requirements: · University graduates with at least 12 years of relevant audit experience, ideally experience in general insurance industry · Qualified accountant and/ or relevant professional qualifications · Experience in managing / coaching a team · Able to work independently with minimal supervision · Strong communication, both in verbal and written · Good presentation and interpersonal skills · Good command of English and Korean · Good understanding of Korea regulatory requirements · USGAAP, IFRS and project management knowledge is a plus · Proficiency in computer software, such as Excel and ACL is a plus · Travel - 15% - 20%
<제출서류> - 자기소개서 및 경력기술서 E-mail 접수: sukph@naver.com
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