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가입일 2008-07-23
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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
Broker Sales Manager (Bilingual Korean Preferred) - Healthcare Sector
작성자: Aiden 작성자정보 조회: 4703 등록일: 2024-02-08
회사명*  Harmonious Hiring
사업내용*  Medicare
근무지역*  Orange County
회사주소*  Orange County/San Diego 지도보기
전화번호  ---
홈페이지 http://
직종분류* 영업직 > 영업/매장관리
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $65000~$70000/년 :  실적제
근무시간 및 요일  AM 1 00 부터AM 1 00 까지   
We are seeking a talented Broker Sales Manager with a strong background in Medicare sales and a passion for healthcare. This role is ideal for individuals who are proficient in Korean, with proficiency in Vietnamese, Chinese, or Spanish also highly valued. A comprehensive understanding of Insurance Agencies/Agents/Field Marketing Organizations in the Orange County/San Diego is crucial. Candidates must possess an active Life & Health Insurance license. This position offers a competitive salary range of $65K-$70K, plus commission, and includes a 5% Annual Incentive Plan bonus. Mileage for business travel will be reimbursed.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Develop and optimize the productivity of the Agency distribution channel in the assigned region.
  • Leverage Medicare sales expertise to encourage the sale of health products through agents and agencies.
  • Foster Provider and Community relationships for enhanced channel performance.
  • Conduct impactful sales and marketing presentations and community events.
  • Generate and manage a strong lead pipeline through strategic partnerships.
  • Focus on increasing enrollments per agent and agency.
  • Regularly evaluate agent and agency performance, focusing on key sales metrics.
  • Ensure adherence to all regulatory compliance standards.
  • Efficiently manage allocated budgets with a focus on ROI for sales and community events.

  • Bilingual proficiency, with a strong preference for Korean speakers. Open to Vietnamese, Chinese, or Spanish speakers.
  • Proven experience in Medicare sales and knowledge of the local insurance landscape.
  • Active Life and Health Insurance License required.

Compensation and Benefits:
  • Salary Range: $65K-$70K, plus commission opportunities.
  • Annual Incentive Plan bonus of 5%.
  • Business travel mileage reimbursement.

Physical & Working Environment:
  • Ability to travel within the region as required.
  • Comfortable with both office and remote working environments.
  • Able to manage physical requirements of the job including occasional lifting, standing, and sitting for prolonged periods.

*The position primarily involves working from home, with on-site attendance required for meetings with agents and agencies, or when participating in events held at agency locations, communities, or medical providers' premises.
(The candidate will be required to travel throughout their assigned county about 65% of the time.  Occasionally, there may be meetings Arcadia office, Huntington Beach office, or other designated site. When the candidate is not traveling to events or meetings, the candidate can just work from home. Overall, the candidate needs to be flexible with travel.)

*Harmonious Hiring은 미국 내의 현지 기업과 한인 기업들에게 적합한 인력을 찾아드리는 전문 헤드헌팅 회사입니다. 이메일(info@harmonioushiring.com) 보내주시면 해당 포지션에 관련하여 더욱 자세히 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. 지원해 주셔서 감사합니다.
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닉네임 Aiden (harmonioushirin)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 Aiden (harmonioushirin)
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허위신고시에 불이익을 받을 수 있으니 신중하게 신고해주세요.
글 제목 Broker Sales Manager (Bilingual...
글 작성자 Aiden
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