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가입일 2008-07-23
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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
LX Hausys America Inc. - Viatera Development Manager
작성자: LX Hausys HR 작성자정보 조회: 5072 등록일: 2024-02-01
회사명*  LX Hausys America, Inc.
사업내용*  인테리어제 제조
근무지역*  Atlanta
회사주소*  310 LG Drive, Adairsville, GA 30103 지도보기
전화번호  1---
홈페이지 http://www.lxhausys.com/us/index
직종분류* 기술직 > 생산/제조
근무자격조건  Korean English Bilingual
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $1111~$1111/시 :  
근무시간 및 요일  AM 8 30 부터PM 5 30 까지   주5일
지원방법  myungsunseo@lxhausys.com
기타사항 Estern time zone
LX Hausys America Inc. (Formerly : LG Hausys America Inc.) is a part of Korean-based LX Hausys Ltd., one of the world’s leading providers of building and decorative materials employing more than 4,000 employees spanning the globe. Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., LX Hausys America uses the industry’s most advanced technology to design beautiful and functional spaces with sustainable products. LX Hausys America’s business lines include surface materials, flooring, and automotive components. We are currently hiring for multiple.

Viatera Development Manager (과장급)


Viatera Development Manager


Position Summary:  Providing technical support and management of product development and manufacturing processes in order to achieve customers’ expectations on the products as well as to identify strategies to modify or improve current products and processes. Evaluation and development of raw material performance and quality to improve the value of the product

Role Description:  Product development, new material analysis, production improvement and stabilization support, and the robot programming.



•           Manage entire development project as a project leader

•           Devise and manage product development procedures

•           Optimize manufacturing process and product quality

•           Identify ways to reduce cost by streamlining processes and systems

•           Management & evaluation of raw material performance on the products

•           Apply understandings to product development procedures

•           Understanding chemical and physical properties of raw materials



 · Fluent in Korean and English

·  3D Model Design Program: AUTOCAD, Solidworks, Simulink

·  Computer Languages: Basic

·  Analysis Tool: MATLAB, etc.

·  Critical Thinking

·  Active Learning and Listening

· 7~8 years of development experience in manufacturing company

· Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering or related field.



Location: 310 LG Drive, Adairsville, GA 30103



- 401K

- 401k Matching

- Health Insuranc

- Dental/Vision

- Wellness Program

- (Vacation/Holiday/Personal Day)

- Incentive Programs

- Greencard sponsorship Program Available



To apply please email me your resume to myungsunseo@lxhausys.com


Viatera Porducts : https://www.lxhausys.com/us/products/viatera-quartz-surface

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91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97
닉네임 LX Hausys HR (lxhausys)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 LX Hausys HR (lxhausys)
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글 제목 LX Hausys America Inc. - Viater...
글 작성자 LX Hausys HR
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