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> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
신입/경력 (주)에이피알 미국 법인 관리/운영 인재 채용 공고
작성자: recruitapr 작성자정보 조회: 19505 등록일: 2020-02-25
회사명*  (주)에이피알
사업내용*  화장품/생활문화
근무지역*  Los Angeles
회사주소*  3rd Floor, 3530 Wilshire Blvd 지도보기
전화번호  82-70-4667-0442
홈페이지 http://www.apr-in.com
직종분류* 사무직 > 일반사무
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $00~$00/시 :  차후협의
근무시간 및 요일  AM 1 00 부터AM 1 00 까지   
채용담당자명  Recruit_APR
지원방법  E-mail로 서류접수
등록마감 2020년 3월 8일
About APR Corp.

APR Corporation is a cosmetic and lifestyle company which owns 5 major brands including APRILSKIN(www.aprilskin.us), Medicube(www.medicube.us), GLAM.D, Forment, and NERDY. APR Corporation first started its business in 2014 with the cosmetic brand APRILSKIN and it captured the minds of teenagers and young adults. It has proven its great potentials in Korea and now it has grown into a global company.

APR is growing rapidly each and every year. APR had reached $10 million in 2015, $29 million in 2016, $52 million in 2017, $68 million in 2018 and $124 million(estimate) in 2019 in sales volume. APR was also chosen as '10 South Korean Startups Breaking Out in 2017' by Forbes and this proved APR's prospective global status. 

Until now, APR has been focusing on Asian online market as a stepping stone for acquiring global market share. As a result, APR has successfully established its brand awareness in China, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore and other Asian countries. Now, APR plans to open up the US market and broaden its market towards Europe and South America. 

We are looking for enthusiastic, proactive people who want to launch our US business together.

*업무 내용
- 미국 법인 초기 셋업 및 오퍼레이션 전반 핸들링
- 미국 시장 조사를 통한 마케팅 전략 수립 및 실행
- 미국 인플루언서 발굴 및 커뮤니케이션을 통한 콘텐츠 소싱
- 미국현지 D2C 사업관리 (출고, 결산, CS 등)
- 추후 현지에서 화장품 생산 시 생산관리(OTC인증 등)

*필수 자격
- 영어, 한국어 소통이 모두 가능하신 분
- LA 주재 근무가 가능하신 분
- USA 취업 VISA 발급에 결격 사유가 없거나 기존에 취업 VISA 발급 이력이 있으신 분
  ** 입사 후 VISA발급에 결격 사유가 발견되는 경우 채용 사실이 취소됨

*우대 사항
- USA 시민권 또는 영주권을 보유하신 분
- LA 부근에 주거지가 있으며, 근무 및 출퇴근에 문제가 없으신 분

*사무실 위치
3층, 3530 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010

*필수 제출 서류
국문 이력서 및 자기소개서(APR 양식, 아래 링크에서 다운로드)
경력 이력서 및 자기소개서 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1afLFzhusVWqFFLRicE1BUjnVoChMzgJ6
신입 이력서 및 자기소개서 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=181U2CNBDu0QW4asVTfDXLEfJG3xSOZX4
(**추가 서류 제출 희망 시 재량에 따라 추가 첨부)

*제출 방법
e-mail address: recruit@apr-in.com

*채용 기간
2020년 2월 25일 ~ 2020년 3월 8일

Job Description
- Communication with headquarters in Korea
- Managing initial establishment and general operation of US office   
- Dealing with Direct-to-Customer business(Customer Service, Accounting, shipping/delivery) related issues in US
- Managing influencer marketing in US(contracts and communications with influencers) 
- Dealing with the overall production process of cosmetics in US (e.g. OTC Verification etc)

- Fluency in both Korean and English communications
- Should be able to work in Los Angeles, CA
- Should meet all qualifications of US Work Visa
  OR Has already gotten a US Work Visa before
  *Hiring decision can be withdrawn if the candidate cannot meet the qualifications of US Work Visa

Person who…
- Owns a US Citizenship or Permanent residency(Green card)
- Is currently living near Los Angeles, CA
- Does not have any difficulties commuting and working

Workplace Address
3rd Floor, 3530 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010

*Required Application Documents
Resume and Cover letter(Provided format, Download Link below)
경력 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1afLFzhusVWqFFLRicE1BUjnVoChMzgJ6
신입 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=181U2CNBDu0QW4asVTfDXLEfJG3xSOZX4
(**Candidate is allowed to submit any 'extra' documents to the recruit manager)  

*Send application documents to [recruit@apr-in.com]

*Application Due date:
March 8th, 2020

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