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회원가입 아이디/비밀번호찾기
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
> Jobs > 구인정보 > 구인정보
E-Commerce 회사에서 Full time 직원을 모집합니다 (Multi Positions)
작성자: hameeusa 작성자정보 조회: 23668 등록일: 2019-03-04
회사명*  Hamee US Corp.
사업내용*  E-Commerce, 이커머스
근무지역*  Los Angeles
회사주소*  635 Hawaii Ave, Torrance, CA 90503 지도보기
전화번호  ---
홈페이지 http://
직종분류* 사무직 > 일반사무
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $00~$00/시 :  차후협의
근무시간 및 요일  AM 9 30 부터PM 6 30 까지   주5일
채용담당자명  us.recruit@hamee.co.jp
지원방법  E-mail로 서류접수
등록마감 충원시까지 모집

토랜스에 위치한 Hamee US Corp.에서 함께 일하며 성장하실 ,

책임감 있고 적극적인 자세로 성실하게 일하실 ,

그리고 새로운 환경 업무에 적응하며 배워가실 분을 모집합니다.


Full-Time E-Commerce Operator (1)

Full-Time Warehouse Inventory Control (1)

Full-Time Junior Account Manager (1)



Work Schedule:

Monday ~ Friday

9:30AM ~ 6:30PM


**** Applicants must be authorized to work in the US.

**** Have a reliable transportation.

**** English is must.

**** English / Korean Bilingual preferred but not required.




E-Commerce Operator


Job Duties (included but not limited to):

-  Manage and responsible for Amazon, eBay, and Walmart sales platforms

-  Manage product listings

-  Overall execution of the operation

-  Communicate with customers online and over the phone

-  Price check and monitor changes in pricing / competitors




-  Customer Service Experience

-  Ability to handle fast-paced online sale environment

-  Ability to handle multi-tasks

-  Experience with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart is a plus, but not required

-  Experience with Microsoft Excel and Word is a plus

***Entry level is welcomed




Warehouse Inventory Control


Job Duties (included but not limited to):

-  Ensure that the warehouse is tidy and organized

-  Prepare items for shipment

-  Receive daily incoming shipments and input products into the inventory system

-  Verify and keep records of incoming/outgoing shipments

-  Utilize the inventory system extensively




-  Time management and meeting deadlines is a necessity

-  Possess basic computer skills

-  You will be standing, stooping, reaching, bending, and carrying boxes in a very fast paced environment.

*** Applicant must be capable of lifting 50 lbs.

-  Basic Microsoft Excel experience is required.




Junior Account Manager


Job Duties (included but not limited to):

-  Develop relationships with clients (medium to large accounts) to acquire new business and network with existing customers to retain their business

- Manage the day to day relationship with buyers at our expansive list of retail partners

- Attend/organize trade shows to meet new leads (new accounts and new departments/buyers)

- Identify new product opportunities through end user research, trade suggestions and sales force recommendations

- Become immersed and educated in all the categories, brands and licensed products the company has to offer

- Conduct extensive research for each and every account, including store surveys and trend identification to create a recommended product offering




- 1+ years of related experience (toy industry experience is a major plus)

- Strong interpersonal and communication skills, written and verbal

- Must be goal and detail oriented

- Must be proficient in Microsoft Office (Pivot Tables, V-Lookups in Excel)




Please send resume to:



Only those candidates considered for the interview process will be contacted.


Hamee US Corp.

트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북
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91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100
닉네임 HameeUS (hameeusa)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 HameeUS (hameeusa)
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