덴탈랩 에서 함께 일할 경력 기술직원 채용합니다.
1.모집부문 및 주요업무 *Advanced Ceramist Must be experienced in proper contour and anterior morphology Most or all work will be anterior porcelain buildup on: *Multi Incisal layering on cutback of Emax crowns and veneers *Layering Zirconia copings to full contour *Multi and single unit Pfm, Zirconia, and Emax buildup on implant abutments *Buildup on complex full mouth bridges with tissue replication -급여지급형태 1일 평균 할당 피스갯수: 8~12개 피스가격: $25~$35 (경력에준하여 가격측정됨) Pay will be based on piecework from 8 to 12 units per day. $25 to $35 per unit depending on experience
Also Hiring Full Zirconia Crown Technician : Restorations will be fully designed and contoured posterior and anterior full zirconia crowns(Bruxzir, etc) Must have knowledge or have experience in: *dipping and coloring pre sintered units *finishing-contacts and contouring sintered units *proper stain and glaze finished restoration -급여지급형태 시급제 ,hourly pay based on experience 2.지원방법
이력서제출 -chodent320@yahoo.com
사무실 문의 - Tel.408-779-7700 (리셉션리스트는 외국인이라 한국어가 편하신 분들은 사장님 컨택 요청 하시면 됩니다)
3.근무지 Bay Area (San Jose ) |