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임상회사 LSK GLOBAL PS 에서 함께할 직원을 찾고 있습니다.
작성자: Katelin SJ 작성자정보 조회: 22253 등록일: 2021-03-25
사업내용*  제약, 연구개발, 임상, 서비스
근무지역*  Korea
회사주소*  16th FL., Coryo Daeyungak Tower , 97 Toegye-Ro, Jung-Gu 지도보기
전화번호  82-10-546-1008
홈페이지 http://www.lskglobal.com
회사교통 명동역 혹은 회현역 도보 4~5분 거리
직종분류* 전문직 > 전문적기타
구인형태*  Full time
급여조건* $0.00~$0.00/월 :  차후협의
근무시간 및 요일  AM 9 30 부터PM 6 30 까지   주5일
채용담당자명  Katelin Kim
지원방법  lskdm.hq@lskglobal.com (사전에 제 연락처 kim.katelin787@gmail.com/ 카톡ID: luv2katelin 으로 문의주셔도 됩니다.)
등록마감 충원시까지 모집

서울 명동에 위치하고 있는 임상시험 회사, LSK GLOBAL PS (엘에스케이글로벌파마서비스) 에서 영어에 능통한 교민출신 직원을 채용 중 입니다. 

혹 본인이나 자녀분들이 한국에서 지내며 직장경험을 쌓고 싶으시다면 정말 좋은 기회 입니다. 매년 미국 현지 집에 방문할 기간이 충분한 Refresh 휴가, 4대 보험 보장, 시간선택 근무제 와 함께 F-4 비자 소유자(외국인 포함) 들 에게 부분 월세도 지원하고 있어, 해외생활 하셨던 분들에게 편안한 근무환경 입니다.

지원분야, 자격은 하기와 같습니다. 

Position: Clinical Data Associate


  • University/college degree (life science, nursing, or related subject preferred), or certification in a related allied health profession from an appropriately accredited institution (e.g., nursing certification, medical or laboratory technology)
  • Familiarity with medical terminology and abbreviations
  • Understanding the instructions of medical coding dictionaries;
  • Minimum one (1) year relevant work experience within a clinical or clinical research environment


  • Designs CRF/ eCRF;
  • Creates and updates study-specific documents such as CRF/eCRF, DMP, CRF/eCRF Completion Guidelines.
  • Prepare the Data Validation Specification(DVS), Self Evident Corrections Document(SECD);
  • Create the dummy data according to these specifications;
  • Participates in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) activities for clinical database build and modifications.
  • For paper studies, manage transmittal CRFs and Prepare CRFs for subsequent data entry;
  • For paper studies, review clinical trial data in accordance with Data Validation Specifications and issue Data Clarification Forms (DCFs) to resolve erroneous, missing, incomplete, or implausible data.
  • For paper studies, train and manage data entry staffs in data entry;
  • Perform the medical coding for adverse events, medications, and medical conditions;
  • Performs Serious Adverse Event (SAE) reconciliations.
  • Apply quality control procedures and checks to ensure data quality standards are achieved;
  • Interact and collaborate with project data manager, peers, supervisor, and other project team members;
  • Acts as a client contact person for project meetings and CDM status updates;
  • CDM Audit and Inspection preparation and support
  • Participates in internal/external audits as required.


Position: Dabatase Administrator


  • University degree in computer science/information technology, statistics, or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge in the use and administration of SQL and Oracle
  • Proficiency in at least one programming environment (e.g., SAS, CDMS, EDC, SQL, VB, Java)
  • Thorough knowledge of database application development


  • Creates and updates study-specific documents such as CRF/eCRF, DMP, CRF/eCRF User Manuals.
  • Designs and creates clinical databases to enable data review/validation of the study data by Data Managers, and comprehensive and efficient analysis by Statistics and SAS Programming.
  • Programs and tests database configurations (edit checks, derivations, form/field dynamics, etc.).
  • Programs and tests reports using SQL/SAS to identify inconsistencies and support data review efforts.
  • Perform requirements analysis and system design for clinical data management applications.
  • Perform administrative functions in support of clinical data management, such as access control, security, installation, performance monitoring, and data transfers to customers.
  • Develop and maintain clinical database application procedures, standards, and structural documentation.
  • Produce change control documentation and project plans addressing implementation, validation, maintenance, or modification of databases, including back-out plan as required.
  • Define users and enable data distribution to the right user, in an appropriate format, and in a timely manner
  • Create the Annotated CRF and Database Specification and build the database.
  • Create the DVS and SECD based on the study protocol and CRF.
  • For paper studies, generate and correct data clarification forms (DCFs).
  • Create the dummy data according to these specifications;
  • For paper studies, prepare a data listing for data quality check.
  • For paper studies, train and manage data entry staffs in data entry;
  • Maintain effective communication with project teams, peers, other departments, management, and sponsors.
  • Evaluate database setup and for amount and level of effort and make project assignments accordingly.
  • Maintain user account of the data management application.
  • Serve as a client contact person for project meetings and DBM status updates
  • Interact and collaborate with project data manager, peers, supervisor, and other project team members;
  • CDM Audit and Inspection preparation and support
  • Participates in internal/external audits as required.

추가문의 사항이 있으시면 kim.katelin787@gmail.com 으로 언제든 편하게 연락 부탁 드리겠습니다. 

트위터 트위터 페이스북 페이스북
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71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80
닉네임 Katelin SJ (katelin787)
가입일 2008-07-23
등급 운영자 (1)
포인트 : 0
게시물 작성수 : 0
댓글 작성수 : 0
닉네임 Katelin SJ (katelin787)
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글 제목 임상회사 LSK GLOBAL PS 에서 함...
글 작성자 Katelin SJ
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