Title : With the Brilliant coloring of the Korean Minhwa Date: June 12(Fri.), 2015 - June 25(Thurs.), 2015 Lecture : " Minhwa, Why is the real Korean Traditional Painting" Friday, June 12th 6:00p.m. Korean Cultural Center Ari Hall (3rd Floor) Opening & The celebration of the publication of a book. Friday, June 12th 7:00p.m. Korean Cultural Center Art Gallery (2nd Floor) The member of The Hongik Minhwa Design Institute & pine Minhwa Institute present wonderful Korean traditional painting. Through this exhibition you will find the beauty of Korean traditional colors. Also, we will have a lecture about "what is the real beauty of Korean traditional color' by Byungmo Chung who is a professor of Gyeongju University in Korea.
[ⓒ LA코리아(www.lakorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
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